Thursday, October 16, 2008

I went to a screening of the ordinary radicals with some friends on Wednesday. The film was done really well. The movie chronicles two guys who wrote the book Jesus for president and their tour to promote the book. It painted the picture well of what some christians can be like. I don't want to be the type of christian that the world sees christians to be. To be honest I hate the word "christian". The world looks at "christians" as people who don't care, who are condemning, and unforgiving. The list could go on. So I am not striving to be "christian" anymore. I am striving to be like Jesus. Jesus cared for people no matter what. We see that many times over in the Bible. He didn't care about law and what was supposed to happen according to the government at the time. Jesus cared for the homeless, the prostitutes, the sick, the condemned. There was no one that Jesus did not care for. I strive to have that quality of caring for people. Giving up time to spend time with the homeless even though I could be sleeping is one way I could show that I care.


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