Tuesday, August 12, 2008

After the taste of colerain on Saturday...I took my nieces, my cousin and her bf to go ghost hunting. The first place we went was lick road out behind rumpke dump and close to Munchkin Land. A little side note if you don't know what Munchkin Land is, it is supposed to be where munchkins would run out and throw rocks at your car, bite at your ankles, and shoot cork guns at you. They have torn it down so you can only see where it used to be. So back to lick road, the road itself is freaky...it dead ends into a field with woods behind it. A girl named Amy supposedly was murdered by her boyfriend. You are supposed to hear her scream, your car windows are supposed to fog up and she is supposed to write the word help in the window. None of this stuff happened to us so I remain a disbeliever in ghosts. We did film it though and we thought we noticed something on film but it may have been just a bug.

Then we explored a few other places with no luck and then called it a night. We stayed up all night went to ihop at 7 in the am and then to church but don't ask my niece Sarah what happened in church cause she slept through the whole thing. Luckily we are crossroads and its so big that no one really noticed.


Anonymous said...

Dude. If you're really interested in Ghost Hunting, check out the Mansfield State Reformatory, a.k.a. Shawshank Prison. Myself and two buddies of mine from high school went in February. It was unbelievable! Check it out.

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