Thursday, October 16, 2008

I love the office and since Brooke over at little pieces of me took the quiz I thought I would too. I am not sure if I am happy with results but oh well. To find out which office character you are follow the link what office character are you

Which Office Character Are You?

You are part Michael. Deep down, you are caring and good-natured, but you often express yourself in insensitive ways. Though you always try your hardest to make your talents be seen, you could use a little more self-awareness to avoid being awkward.

You are part Ryan. You are extremely smart and perceptive, and it irritates you to no end when inferior people try to tell you what to do. Sometimes, though, your critical eye makes you come off as aloof and bitter to others, and it may take awhile for people to get to know you.

Find Your Character @


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